Thursday, November 24, 2011

Cinemaesthetic Arrest

something happened

in my life
and the German*

might do best

announcing that cineamesthetic

strange arcs

2001:a space odyssey
to Cry Baby Cry

the midnight shoreline

of Lake Michigan


in the discrete packets
of Chicago


holding my
Appalachian spine

in deep reverie

Wilhelm Wurzer

discernment, beurteilung—exceeds representational operations in judging the beautiful and the sublime
bring to light, Eräugnis—bring to one’s eyes; seeing the essence of technology
spirit, Geist—site of thinking where judgment withdraws from the dialectic principle of imitation and identity
letting go/composure, gelassenheit—letting go, reaching beyond representational thinking; freeing of thinking; radical opening; composure, putting together, constellating what is severed or fractured in the realm of judgment
enframing, ge-stell—essence or ‘skeleton’ of technology as mode of revealing
sliding, glissement—sliding into post-aesthetic filming
turning, kehre—turning from imagination’s free-play to the open terrain of the sublime gap in judging (Ur-teil)
clearing, lichtung—primordial shining of being; ontological opening; filming’s post-metaphysical beginning
primal severing, Ur-teil—severing of imagination from the power of rationality

rupture, zerissenheit—breaking the alliance of being and ground, time (Zeit) and spirit (Geist)

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