Thursday, January 5, 2012


    enkyklios paideia  "training in a circle" 
        enkyklios "circular," also "general" (from en "in" + kyklos "circle") 
            + paideia "education, child-rearing," from pais (gen. paidos) "child"
awaking in a circle

twisting twisting

in my bed the windows
south facing through the oaks

welcome Dawn Arising

as my thoughts billowing instantaneously
fuse transfuse with

the ten-thousand things

as I ponder the images that rush
up and around and into the awakening

images un-summoned and unwelcome

along with the images I have conscientiously
arranged for contemplative purposes

and thus I wonder wonder wonder

what it is to find us who are alive
not having died before we wake

pray deeply my silent say

of all gratitude all blessings
abundant beholding

and eventually set my feet

on the floor unto the full brightness
of the first Thursday in January

infused with the mighty Void

I feel the child
I am

and grandfather

in this circle set
for training

for how love goes

near and away
in all and all our


and what is to be the order
of this

one more day

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