Monday, December 12, 2011

elemental process and cinemaesthetic field

Waking up awaring how the elemental process informing cinemaesthetic awaring
may well be described in terms of APEIRON, that is

           [boundless]         yielding          [bounded]
            [limitless]                                  [limited]

Naturally, this is a description of all awaring...

What is novel here are the permeabilities and transmutabilities of the elemental process that are  emerging by cinemaesthetic means, the mise-en-scène interphasings, framings, superimpositions, montage, lightings, de-lightings, infusions, sitings, sightings, textings, simultaneities, discontinuous continuities, slippages, etc. disclosing the dynamics of a cinemaesthetic field of awaring, now, in personal and world life.

What comes to me this morning as I ponder the cinemaesthetic field are
  • the arche of [living/dying] as with Whitehead's organic philosophy of [actual occasions]
  • the implications/explications of [lightspeed] and [quantum superpositioning] in new technologies
  • the [topologies of the flesh] as laid out by Steven M. Rosen
              (see Topologies of the Flesh and Dimensions of Apeiron)

from Wikipedia:

Anaximander... believed the beginning or ultimate reality (arche)  is eternal and infinite, or boundless (apeiron)...which perpetually yields fresh materials from which everything we can perceive is derived. Apeiron generated the opposites, hot-cold, wet-dry etc., which acted on the creation of the world. Everything is generated from apeiron and then it is destroyed there according to necessity. ...Infinite worlds are generated from apeiron and then they are destroyed there again.

 Enjoy the cinemaesthetic progression indicated below:

          From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Apeiron (ἄπειρον) is a Greek word meaning unlimited, infinite or indefinite
from ἀ- a-, "without" and πεῖραρ peirar, "end, limit."


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